Evaluate the stock
November 15, 2020
Statement of Purpose for Master’s of Urban Regional Planning
November 15, 2020
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****DO NOT DO POWERPOINT SLIDES********—Written out in paragraph form—-

At least five different credible sources of information are required for this speech. Because you will be attempting to persuade your audience, this means that your sources should be the most strongly credible possible. Weak sources will a weak case make, so be sure to choose only the most expert sources of information to strengthen your points. This means that general reference sources will not be accepted (e.g., Wikipedia, about.com, ehow.com, howstuffworks.com. dictionaries or encyclopedias in print or online, and so on), nor will secondary sources, including those that come in the form of general websites for quotes or for statistics (e.g., brainyquote.com. statistics.com), nor will YouTube sources typically, or anything else that is listed in your bibliography without a specific author/title of website.

Title/Topic of Speech: Give it a good name.

Introduction:  Written out in paragraph form.

Body:  Each main point, subpoint, and sub-subpoint outlined, as shown in prior class lessons and by your textbook (p.196-205) in full, complete sentences. Transitions are provided between main points and labeled.

Conclusion:  Written out in paragraph form.

Bibliography:  Cites a minimum of five different sources in proper Modern Language Association (MLA) or American Psychological Association (APA) format.

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