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Application: Putting the Pieces Together (BVHS320U5P) Final

Key Assignment

Create a final project or presentation that could be given to your supervisor. It should include the following:

Include revised  Unit 4 IP (5 pages)
Unit 5 IP (New content- 5 pages)

A recommendation section that could be used as a guide to address the problem
The recommendations made should be supported by the quantitative data found in the articles that you reviewed. Rather than just brain-storming potential solutions, you are offering data-supported research and proven information to your superior.
A discussion of how the conclusions of the study can be implemented in your workplace
A description of how you might work with quantitative researchers in the future to assist you with meaningful inquiry and data collection
Your final Key Assignment should be a total of 10 pages (5 pages from revised Unit 4 IP along with 5 new pages of content for Unit 5 IP).

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