coursework assignment of human growth and development
November 2, 2020
Design Summary
November 2, 2020
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concrete volume estimating

Estimate the volume of concrete (in cubic yards) needed to place the continuous footings shown in the figures below. Assume a waste factor of 7%.

The area has six sides and the angle between each set of adjacent sides is 90 degree. The length of the sides in feet are as follows: 22, 20, 8, 25, 30, and 45.

The size of the footing is 2 feet and 6 inches wide by 1 foot thick. The footing has four continuous number 4 rebar and one number 5 dowel spaced at 12 inch apart.

1CMG400 Mod 4 CT
CMG400 Mod 4 CT
Criteria    Ratings    Pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeRequirements
20.0 to >16.0 pts
Meets Expectation
Includes all of the required components, as specified in the assignment.
16.0 to >12.0 pts
Approaches Expectation
Includes most of the required components, as specified in the assignment.
12.0 to >8.0 pts
Below Expectation
Includes some of the required components, as specified in the assignment.
8.0 to >0 pts
Limited Evidence
Includes few of the required components, as specified in the assignment.
20.0 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeContent
20.0 to >16.0 pts
Meets Expectation
Demonstrates strong or adequate knowledge of materials estimates; correctly represents knowledge from the readings and sources.
16.0 to >12.0 pts
Approaches Expectation
Some significant but not major errors or omissions in demonstration of knowledge.
12.0 to >8.0 pts
Below Expectation
Major errors or omissions in demonstration of knowledge.
8.0 to >0 pts
Limited Evidence
Fails to demonstrate knowledge of the materials.
20.0 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeCritical Analysis
20.0 to >16.0 pts
Meets Expectation
Provides a strong critical analysis and interpretation of the information given.
16.0 to >12.0 pts
Approaches Expectation
Some significant but not major errors or omissions in analysis and interpretation.
12.0 to >8.0 pts
Below Expectation
Major errors or omissions in analysis and interpretation.
8.0 to >0 pts
Limited Evidence
Fails to provide critical analysis and interpretation of the information given.
20.0 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeSources / Examples
20.0 to >16.0 pts
Meets Expectation
Sources or examples meet required criteria and are well chosen to provide substance and perspectives on the issue under examination.
16.0 to >12.0 pts
Approaches Expectation
Sources or examples meet required criteria but are lessthan- adequately chosen to provide substance and perspectives on the issue under examination.
12.0 to >8.0 pts
Below Expectation
Sources or examples meet required criteria and are poorly chosen to provide substance and perspectives on the issue under examination.
8.0 to >0 pts
Limited Evidence
Source or example selection and integration of knowledge from the course is clearly deficient.
20.0 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeDemonstrates college-level proficiency in organization, grammar and style.
10.0 to >8.0 pts
Meets Expectation
Project is clearly organized, well written, and in proper format as outlined in the assignment. Strong sentence and paragraph structure; few errors in grammar and spelling.
8.0 to >6.0 pts
Approaches Expectation
Project is fairly well organized and written, and is in proper format as outlined in the assignment. Reasonably good sentence and paragraph structure; significant number of errors in grammar and spelling.
6.0 to >4.0 pts
Below Expectation
Project is poorly organized; does not follow proper paper format. Inconsistent to inadequate sentence and paragraph development; numerous errors in grammar and spelling.
4.0 to >0 pts
Limited Evidence
Project is not organized or well written, and is not in proper paper format. Poor quality work; unacceptable in terms of grammar and spelling.
10.0 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeDemonstrates proper use of APA style
10.0 to >8.0 pts
Meets Expectation
Project contains proper APA formatting, according to the CSU Global Writing Center, with no more than one significant error.
8.0 to >6.0 pts
Approaches Expectation
Few errors in APA formatting, according to the CSU Global Writing Center, with no more than two to three significant errors.
6.0 to >4.0 pts
Below Expectation
Significant errors in APA formatting, according to the CSU Global Writing Center, with four to five significant errors.
4.0 to >0 pts
Limited Evidence
Numerous errors in APA formatting, according to the CSU Global Writing Center, with more than five significant errors.
10.0 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeAccuracy of estimates
30.0 to >24.0 pts
Meets Expectation
90-100% accurate
24.0 to >18.0 pts
Approaches Expectation
80-90% accurate
18.0 to >12.0 pts
Below Expectation
70-80% accurate
12.0 to >0 pts
Limited Evidence
69% and under
30.0 pts
Total Points: 130.0

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