Occupational Therapy Admission Essay for the University of Wisconsin Milwaukee
November 1, 2020
November 1, 2020
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First you need to read; TASK 1: CONTEXT FOR LEARNING INFORMATION and attached documents in order to complete this assignment. You need to write steps 3 to 5 must be connected to Task 1.
3. Supporting Childrens Development and Learning
Respond to prompts 3ac below. To support your justifications, refer to the plans and materials you included as part of Planning Task 1. In addition, use principles from research and/or developmental theory to support your justifications.
a.    Justify how your planned learning experiences and materials align with your understanding of the childrens development, prior learning, and personal, cultural, and community assets (from prompts 2ac above). Be explicit about these connections and support your justification with research/developmental theory.
b.    Describe and justify how you plan to support the varied learning needs of all the children in your class/group, including individuals with specific learning needs.
Consider the variety of learners in your class/group who may require different strategies/support (e.g., children with IEPs or 504 plans, English language learners, children at different points in the developmental continuum, struggling readers, and/or gifted children).
c.    Describe common developmental approximations or misunderstandings that pertain to the learning experiences you are planning for the children and how you plan to address them.
4.    Supporting Childrens Vocabulary Development
Respond to prompts 4ac below by referring to childrens range of vocabulary development related to the learning segmentWhat do they know, what are they struggling with, and/or what is new to them?
a.    Identify the key vocabulary  (i.e., developmentally appropriate sounds, words, phrases, sentences, and paragraphs) essential for children to use during the learning segment.
b.    Describe how you plan to support the children (during and/or prior to the learning experience) to develop and use the key vocabulary identified in prompt 4a.
5.    Monitoring Childrens Learning
In response to the prompts below, refer to the assessments you will submit as part of the materials for Planning Task 1.
a.    Describe how your planned formal and informal assessments provide direct evidence to monitor childrens multimodal learning throughout the learning segment.
b.    Explain how your design or adaptation of planned assessments allows children with specific needs to demonstrate their learning.
Consider the variety of learners in your class/group who may require different strategies/support (e.g., all children along the continuum of development, including children with IEPs or 504 plans, English language learners, struggling readers, and/or gifted children).

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