Any topic (writer’s choice)
October 25, 2020
Any topic (writer’s choice)
October 25, 2020
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art essay on a video

The link at the bottom will take you to a video playlist in the database Films on Demand. You are responsible to watch 1 of the 6 videos (approximately 30 minutes) and write a paragraph about each of following:

1. 1 paragraph that explains the religion

location where the religion is practiced, culture

2. 1 paragraph about the diety/dieties that make up the religion

3. 1 paragraph about a building that was created/inspired due to the religion

include one or two sentences about your personal opinion of the building

4. 1 paragraph about work of art that was created/inspired by the religion

include one or two sentences about your personal opinion of the work of art

The paper should be at least 450 words, double-spaced. No less than 350 words will be accepted. Submit assignment in this Learning Module in the turnitin assignment.

All assignments must be in 12-point font (Arial or Times New Roman), use correct grammar and spelling, and coherent sentences. Please proofreadPlease use your own words (no plagiarism); I want to hear what you have to say. Please include the image you are discussing and citations.

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