news analysis and discussion
October 21, 2020
Any topic (writer’s choice)
October 21, 2020
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Relationship and Flourishing

You have been introduced to numerous concepts in Positive Psychology so far this semester. Now we explore another main theme: Relationships.

Chapter three described positive emotions signaling safety and providing the opportunity to build & consolidate psychological skills to be used later for good effect (p49). Chapter four (p93) noted that social or interpersonal factors are one of the more robust determinants of happiness. Module four talked about money and happiness.  Chapter five (p126) stated that resilience depends critically on a supportive relationship with another person.” In chapter nine (p242-243), Erickson lists psychosocial milestones. Now, chapter ten says it all: (p249) Other people matter. The ratio of positive to negatives for a relationship to survive and flourish must exceed 1:1.

Your task with this discussion posting is to:
1. Reflect back on your Savoring exercise earlier this semester. Did you opt to share this with another as one of your strategies? What concepts of Positive Psychology do you see as most valuable to have flourishing relationships (friendships, companions, partners)?
2. Read and provide thoughtful feedback to at least three of your peers about their story.

The INITIAL POSTING should be between 300 – 500 words. Please keep in mind, proper writing is expected (new paragraphs, punctuation, no abbreviations or text speak,” clearly edited, free of grammar mistakes or misspellings, and APA cited if appropriate/necessary). Outline or bulleted formats are not acceptable. It should demonstrate your understanding of the materials modules in question. You should not simply give a summary of the readings or lengthy quotes from the readings. Your work is to apply the readings and analyze and integrate what you are learning and engage with your peers on these Positive Psychology concepts.

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