Project management
October 20, 2020
Frederic Henry
October 20, 2020
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rhetorical analysis

Read Sonja K. Foss, Chapter 2 (“Doing Rhetorical Criticism” and write a 2 page essay (around 600 to 800 words) and consider Foss’ suggestions for selecting selecting an artifact and how one might approach this task.  What does Foss suggest that will be helpful for you in the next phase of this project?  Does she offer other tips that help explain the process of being a rhetorical critic?

This exercise/essay will help you plan for your final paper, in which you’ll combine the first two papers and expand the analysis.

This essay should be double-spaced with 1-inch margins; include a separate page with an MLA reference for your paper, the speech you’ve analyzed, and the Foss chapter.  The purpose of this essay is to provide you an opportunity to think about the process you used to write your paper and to identify potential gaps that you can fill or correct.

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