Desertification Paper
October 19, 2020
art history
October 19, 2020
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Fitness Facility Profile and Mission Statement

Assignment: In this assignment you have been hired as the director for a new and upcoming Fitness Facility. You have been afforded the opportunity to full freedom in implementing the new strategic plan for the future of the facility. Now that construction of the building has been completed you are scheduled for your first staff meeting with your new fitness team. At this meeting you will be responsible for introducing the facilities, profile, mission and vision statement along with the goals and objectives of the facility for the next 3 to 5 years.

Part A: Cover page with a visual of the new facility (Google images acceptable)

Part B: Facility profile explaining the dimensions, locations and components of the facility (Please conduct research on other facilities before completing this segment. Also list and describe some of the programs offered at your facility.

Part C: Following the information learned from reources within this module create a mission statement for the company. The mission statement usually consist of 8 – 10 sentences in length and address the overall direction of the company.

Part D: Company Vision: Conduct research and differentiate between a vision and a mission statement. Create a vision statement for your organization.

Part E: List at least 3 goals and 3 objectives for your fitness facilities. Please research to assure that you understand the difference between the two.

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