Data and Statistics in Health Care
October 14, 2020
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October 14, 2020
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learning journal 2

Learning Journals (Individual Grade): You will be required to submit two learning journals, each exactly two pages in length. The first journal will be due at Session 4 (and will count towards your midterm grade), and the second learning journal will be due at Session 11 (and will count towards your final grade). In tone and in style, these personalized papers are to be written as if they are articles or blog posts, and you may be as creative as you like. As for the specifics regarding the subject matter of these journals, we will explain that in class, along with the framework that we call the Learning Triangle. The purpose of these two papers is to demonstrate your knowledge and understanding of the course content, along with your ability to apply the class lessons to your own life…as well as to the outside world. Your grade on each paper will be based on the quality, clarity, and effectiveness of your content, thinking, and writing. These papers are to be submitted on time, electronically via email and uploaded to NYU Classes. Again, just to clarify regarding the length: a total of exactly TWO PAGES maximum (including any footnotes, resources, or links). Papers exceeding two pages in length will be penalized one half grade point. As described in the Course Requirements section of this syllabus, you must provide your name and the journal number in three places: at the top left corner of the document; within the document file name; and on the email subject line, written as follows: Joe Student – Journal 1. Further details and answers to any questions will be provided in class. You will be receiving the grade for Learning Journal #1 after the midterm, and Learning Journal #2 will be graded at the end of the course. Regarding the length of these papers, again, each should be no more than two pages total (using standard single spacing; 0.5-1.0 margins; and a 10-12 point font). Any submissions that do not meet these simple requirements will be rejected, need to be re-done, and may be penalized. Additionally, any submissions that do not meet the aforementioned document naming requirements may be rejected and/or penalized. DUE: As described above…Journal #1 is due at Session 4; Journal #2 is due at Session 11. This assignment is worth a total of 30% of your final grade (with the midterm learning journal grade weighted as 15%, and the final learning journal grade weighted as 15%).

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