PROMPT: Rates of disability are high in the US; chronic pain is a significant contributor to those rates of disability. Many people in the US have high levels of chronic pain.
October 8, 2020
Religion of Islam
October 8, 2020
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Any topic (writer’s choice)

This week you learned about privilege, intersectionality, and colorism. Select one or two of these concepts you’d like to reflect on in this paper. Briefly describe the main concept or concepts you chose and then include a quote or example from a video or article that you feel defines or explains the concept you are introducing. (This is to show me you understand the concept, but also to show me you engaged the material.)
Then, address any of the questions below that you would like:
Describe how the content has changed or challenged the way you think.
Concepts such as systemic power and privilege are being discussed more now than ever. Why are these concepts being discussed? Why are they important to the world we live in?
What do these concepts reveal socially, culturally, and/or historically?
How can these concepts be used to better understand various issues?
What are your overall reactions to the content?
Grading criteria:

I am looking to see you grasp, or are working on grasping the concepts from this week. Please move beyond, “this is stupid and I don’t agree” or “I totally agree” and engage in the material critically and with depth. Even reflections should showcase your scholarly abilities!
This assignment is a reflection, so you are not asked to do any outside research. I want you to genuinely reflect on the materials that were shared and not research “fancy” answers or things you feel I want to hear.
I am also looking to see that you are meeting the minimum of 1-page, double-spaced (please no long headers or wide margins to make it appear like it’s a page). Times New Roman, 12 point font, 1″ margins is standard. You may go over the page limit if it helps you to process this week’s material.

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