This project will require you to critically evaluate weaknesses in the popular literature, synthesize findings from the scientific literature, and produce a practical (and valid) guide to relationships. For your final paper you will be required to find a

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This project will require you to critically evaluate weaknesses in the popular literature, synthesize findings from the scientific literature, and produce a practical (and valid) guide to relationships. For your final paper you will be required to find a

I have attached full instructions with the textbook from the course chapters 6-9, (it looks like a lot but I had to individually upload each page. It is your choice to find a self help or marriage/relationship book of your choice that gives specific advice on how to behave in a romantic relationship.
Because you might have to know some background of myself I am a 28 year old female, no children, Im currently in a relationship with my boyfriend for 2 years, and we have our ups and downs like all relationships.

please let me know what book you choose to use.

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