Any topic (writer’s choice)
October 7, 2020
Pick an album cover that has a complexity that would work for an in depth analysis. Some covers may be too simplistic or straightforward to require much interpretation. The album cover may include a visual image combined with written text.
October 7, 2020
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Any topic (writer’s choice)

The purpose of this assignment is to seek new cultural experiences and reach outside of your comfort zone.

There are multiple ways to fulfill the requirements – visit an ethnic restaurant and chat with the staff/ owner, visit a lecture about a culture or a country, have dinner with a family outside of your culture, participate in an ethnic celebration, visit a church, visit an ethnic store or do something that is out of your comfort zone. It doesn’t have to be about international culture – there are many subculturres in US and it would be worth experiencing them.

You must complete and describe two cultural experiences. Write a half page description of each learning experience. Make sure to clarify what you learned and how it expands your way of thinking or breaks some preconceived notions. Share as many details as possible, including what you were feeling, what you liked, what you disliked, what was similar, what was strange. All cultural experiences must be NEW and outside of your own ethnic, religious, or others culture. You cannot use experiences that occurred prior to the class.

You are not limited to these ssuggestions. You have many choices but I strongly encourage to push your comfort zone.

Wichita Asian Festival – October 67th, Century II
Deli Day – November 10th, Congregation Emanu-El Wichita KS
Global Learning Center Events – cultural events only

Other ideas:
Visit Sunday service in a Black church
Visit Sunday service in a LDS church
Visit Sunday service in a Catholic church
Visit Saturday service in the Hebrew Congregation, 1850 N Woodlawn
Visit the Islamic Society of Wichita, 6655 E 34th ST N, Wichita, Kansas 67226

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