Guided Imagery
October 7, 2020
History 2
October 7, 2020
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(600 words). In rhetoric, an ekphrasis is traditionally an elaborate visual description, meant to use words to bring a vivid image for an audience to picture and behold. For your ekphrasis, I will allow expansion of this visual tradition into the five senses: vision, hearing, smell, taste, touch. Using Anthony Bourdains Kitchen Confidential (Food is Good excerpt, under files) and How to Survive a Plague as models, consider applying one or more of the five senses to a particular item or text. By item, I mean a print text, image, setting, artifact, or pattern of your choice (this can include digital media as well). It will help, for this short assignment, to stay focused in a particular direction, item, and sense or two. Be as descriptive and detailed as possible. For this stage, do not yet attempt an analysis; here, you are representing through words a particular sensation and observation of a specific element.

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