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Measurement of Sweat loss

Measurement of sweat loss during exercise.

In this laboratory you will  perform a bout of light exercise, moderate exercise, and high-intensity exercise for a total of 3 separate workouts. Measure body weight immediately before and after exercise for each to estimate sweat loss. Describe the participant (without names) and graph results for each participant and describe the role of their training in the results
Discuss the requirement for fluid replacement during, after and before exercise as well as potential effects of the environment.
Rubric Evaluation:
Chart format: Chart should contain all the pertinent data as required within the assignment. Data posted appears that students conducted a genuine research analysis and results are adequate according scientific content.
Content: Response adequately addresses the pertinent content as requested within. Reputable resources have been included in response.
Grammtical Errors: submission is well organized and structured in a grammatically correct format
Reference Page: APA formatted and not copy and pasted

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