Any topic (writer’s choice)
October 5, 2020
Any topic (writer’s choice)
October 5, 2020
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Group and Organizational Structuration Theory

I prefer a writer who is already familiar with communication theory. In particular, (Group and Organizational) Structuration Theory. It’s for an upper level communications course.

The assignment is for a literature review that will ultimately be incorporated into my final research paper. The topic of the research paper is derived from my response to a discussion post. I’m attaching the rubric for the literature review (this assignment), and the relevant discussion topic and my response.

Also, I have other resources I can send. I’m happy to discuss, collaborate, and participate in the process as much as possible.

I’m somewhat flexible with the deadline. However, I also need to complete the annotated bibliography and the research paper itself, in about the next week or so.

Depending on how this goes, I’d be interested in discussing those projects as well.

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