Any topic focus (nursing Clinical Practice
October 4, 2020
Health care reform
October 4, 2020
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communications and media

Give a roughly two-to-four paragraph response to each of the following essay questions (note: some questions will specify that you give a longer or shorter response than two-to-four paragraphs; in these cases, the length requirement that the question gives takes precedent). This is an open-book test, so you are allowed to use any readings or other class materials when writing your responses. However, do not just quote material from the readings word-for-word! Instead, you should focus on paraphrasing that material in your own words. Show me that you understand and can apply these concepts!
Take as much time as you need, just be certain to have your answers submitted no later than Sunday, July 12th at 11:59 p.m.
1.    Describe the four PR models, and give a description of a PR campaign (it can be a real campaign or one that you make up) that would fit each model (spend roughly a paragraph describing each campaign).
2.    Give a description of how political branding has been used in this past presidential election. Be sure to give at least two examples of political branding used by each major partys candidate.
3.    What are three differences between PR and marketing?
4.    Summarize the history of advertising in the 19th century. Be sure to name at least three major concepts or techniques that emerged during this time that became foundational for advertising today.
5.    Describe three possible positive effects of advertising and three possible negative effects.
6.    Copy a link to a commercial on YouTube that engages in the Slippery Slope fallacy, and give an explanation of why you think this commercial is an example of that fallacy.
7.    Describe three different ways that Computer Mediated Communication (CMC) can affect the ways that we present our identity in online interactions.
8.    Explain what Marshal McLuhan means when he says the medium is the message.

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