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Iphigenia in Aulis Clytemnestra Characterization

MLA format. 100 points.
You will be graded on MLA format, use of literary present tense, integrating quotations, and logical organization. Please scroll down for more information.

CLYTEMNESTRA. I thank you, women for your kindly words,
      Words of good omen, for I come, I hope,
      To a good marriage, bringing the young bride.
      Take out the dowries I have brought for her.
5    Carry them in, right carefully. And now,
      My darling child, here we must leave the car.
      Lift her down, maidens, take her in your arms;
      Shes a frail flower. Give me a hand too, some one,
      The chariot-step is high. Carry the child,
10  Orestes: hes a babe. What, fast asleep
      With all the driving? Wake up, little lad,
      Wake for your sisters wedding! Chieftans child,
      Brother-in-law to Thetis godlike son!
      Put him here, Iphigenia, at my feet,
15  And stand beside me there yourself. The strangers
      Will envy me for my rich motherhood.

(Actual play lines 376-400)
CLYTEMNESTRA. Then hear me now. Ill speak the naked truth,
      No dark hints now! By force you wedded me,
      I never loved you! Tantalus you slew,
20  My first dear husband; and my little son,
      You tore him from my breast. And when my brothers
      The sons of God, flashed to me on their steeds,
      My father pitied you, his suppliant,
      Gave me to you for wife. And true wife I was,
25  Yes, chaste and true, and cared well for your home.
      Such wives are not so common! –
      Three girls I bore you and a son, and now
      You rob me of the first! Your reason, pray,
      If men should ask it? O, Ill answer that,-
30  To win back Helen! Your own child for a wanton,
      Your dearest for a foe! A proper bargain!
      If you do this, if you are long at Troy,
      What will my heart be like, think you, at home,
      When I look on my daughters empty chair,
35  And empty room, sitting there all alone,
      Companied by my tears, still muttering,
      Your father killed you, child, killed you himself!
      What will your wages be when you come back?
      We who are left, we shall not want much urging
40  To greet you with the welcome you deserve!
      O, by the gods, drive me not thus to sin,
      Nor sin yourself!

use only these quotes to characterize Clytemnestra
Actual play lines (823-857)

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