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October 4, 2020
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compare and contrast

You must write 1 essay about 2-3 pages in length . You must write your answer in the space provided for the essay question OR you can upload your essay as an attachment.  What I am looking for in your essay answers is a 5 paragraph essay format.  I want you to support your statements with specific examples from the play.  I want to know your opinion about the plays you are writing about, so think critically.  If yo uwant to use quotes, teh only quotes you should use are from the plays. I copied a paper outline that you SHOULD use as a model when writing the essay.  This outline breaks down what a 5 paragraph essay looks like. Italicize the titles of the plays when writing about them, so Oedipus The King and Hamlet.

Essay Question: Compare and Contrast the characters of Jocasta (Oedipus The King) and Gertrude (Hamlet). Support your thesis with at least three examples (at least one per supporting paragraph) of they are similar or how they are different. It is okay if you you think at times they are similar and at times they are different, just be clear with how and back your points up with an explanation.  Again, the only quotes you need to use are from the play, but keep them short.  I am more interested in your analysis than quotes.  Use them if desired, just as support. 2-3 pages.

Paper Outline


        -Opening paragraph giving an overview of what your paper will be about and the plays you will be analyzing.

        –Includes thesis statement, which is the point you want to make about your topic.  For example making your statement about whether or not Gertrude and Jocasta are similar. Or an example of how they are different in regards to relationships, desires, etc…

Supporting Paragraph #1:
      -State the first point you will be discussing that supports your thesis.

      -Example #1 supporting this statement. (a specific example from the play)

        -Example #2 supporting this statement (a specific example from the play)     

Supporting Paragraph #2:
      -State the second point you will be discussing.

      -Example #1 supporting this statement (a specific example from the play)

      -Example #2 supporting this statement (a specific example from the play)     

Supporting Paragraph #3:
      -State the third point you will be discussing.

      -Example #1 supporting this statement (a specific example from the play).

        -Example #2 supporting this statement (a specific example from the play).     

Conclusion:  Reiterate thesis and wrap up.

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