Western Literature
October 2, 2020
Any topic (writer’s choice)
October 2, 2020
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Macro Economics

he questions below and previous and succeeding ones will function as learning objectives for multiple-choice exams and will also constitute a lecture outline for the course.
Depending on how quickly we move this semester, the class will cover between 45 to 54 of these questions.

For the essay exam, students will be allowed to use one sheet of paper (8.5 X 11) with handwritten notes on both sides. You may also use the notes you turned in for the first exam. These notes must be turned in with the exam, and you can earn up to 10 extra credit points for them depending on how complete they are.

Answers to the essay questions must be written in a Blue Book

Two of the following questions will be randomly drawn on the day of the exam; you will have to answer those two questions PLUS one from the first fourteen topics/question PLUS an additional problem or question more or less based on the Aplia assignments or created by the instructor and very closely related to the topics covered in lecture for this second exam. There will be four questions on this exam. The notes mentioned above must be on your cleared desk with your Blue Book before the questions are drawn.

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