Explain the various simulators available for mimicking particular mobile device platforms in software. Please describe the pro’s and con’s for each one. Please compare and contrast a minimum of three simulators. (For example Joomla, Drupal and Android Stu
October 1, 2020
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October 1, 2020
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Management of Chronic Functional Constipation in Childhood


The journal reflection and question set is designed to help students make connections between concepts from module to module.  Often, in order to make these connections, it is necessary to look at emerging research.


Read the articles Management of Chronic Functional Constipation in Childhood (Plunkett, Phillips, & Beattie, 2007)before completing the question set.  **ATTACHED**

Question Set

There is no minimum or maximum length expectation for this portion of the assignment.  I expect you to communicate as concisely as possible, and recognize that this will require different lengths of responses for each individual.

1. In one to two sentences, explain the general process of osmosis.  What is the mechanism by which osmosis aids in relieving constipation?

2. Why might stimulant laxatives cause colicky abdominal pain?  What type of pain is being experienced when colicky abdominal pain is described?

3. Consider the normal physiology of bowel elimination; each agent works differently on the underlying altered physiology.  In two to four sentences, explain briefly how osmotic laxatives, stimulant laxatives, and enemas are similar in their mechanism for relieving constipation, and how they differ.

Reflection Prompt

After reading this article, reflect on the normal physiology of bowel elimination.  Why might dietary fiber and fluid intake play a role in the management of constipation at all age groups?  What recommendations for dietary changes might you make to a patient that is being treated for constipation?  What social and environmental factors that play a role in constipation?  Briefly explain some of these factors, as they apply to adults and children.

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