Write an essay in which you explain how Mark Gold and Cara Horowitz build an argument to persuade their audience that we need more comprehensive international policies to eliminate and prevent plastic marine litter. In your essay, analyze how Gold and Hor
September 3, 2020
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September 3, 2020
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Women Studies

Analytical Paper: An analytical paper focused on the topic of Women and Sexual assault  answering the the research Why Women stay silent after a sexual assault? from the materials provided below: https://www.ted.com/talks/ines_hercovich_why_women_stay_silent_after_sexual_assault

Must include the following :
Introduction, with thesis statement detailing themes by the end
Theme # 1 Development, supplementing with direct quotations and textual references throughout (at least two per theme)
Theme # 2 Development, supplementing with direct quotations and textual references throughout (at least two per theme)
Theme # 3 Development, supplementing with direct quotations and textual references throughout (at least two per theme)
Connection to Course Material
*References Page

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