Economic Trade in Pacific Ocean Nations

Any topic (writer’s choice)
August 24, 2020
Coomunity Based Core Assignment Final Paper
August 24, 2020
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Economic Trade in Pacific Ocean Nations

Drawing on 2-3 examples of the production or exchange of goods and commodities,
what are some of the different ways we might characterise or periodise the emergence
of a “Pacific Economy” and its place in a world economy?

But the primary focus of the essay should be “to pick 2-3 commodities an explore how each of them tell a separate or different story about the nature of economic, social and environmental history in the Pacific?”

This assignment is an exercise in developing an original argument about the topic outline
in the Essay Plan. This will be based on critical analysis of existing scholarship collected
through the students’ independent research.

I’ve attached a number of sources that could be useful.

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