5-Article Review on Antibiotics research studies
July 16, 2020
University of Texas at Arlington v. Williams, 459 S.W. 3d 48 (Tex. 2015)
July 16, 2020
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ludwig van beethoven

Paper should have at least three sources, preferably one source being
a hardcopy source. Attempt to seek out reputable sources such
as music journals, periodicals, and specialized music societies.
Gravitate toward website sources with .org and .edu endings.
Wikipedia should NOT be one of your sources. If you choose to use
Wikipedia, your paper will be graded down.
Please use MLA format for your paper.
You will have to provide a works cited/bibliography page. This page will
not count as part of your research paper.
Please cite your sources properly.
Please understand that as part of the research paper, you are REQUIRED
to cite your sources within the body of your paper. Citations are required
for the following:
1. Direct quotes
2. Paraphrasing
3. Citation of specific facts
It is recommended that you become familiar with your subject through
your sources, so that you may properly synthesize the information into
your own words.
Your first stop in your research should be The New Grove Dictionary
of Music and Musicians, 2nd edition found. If we do not have this
source in our library, it should be available in other libraries, especially
other area colleges and universities

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