Skill Development Plan
July 15, 2020
Any topic (writer’s choice)
July 15, 2020
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Autonomous Vehicle Technology

The focus ofthis project is to write a ***3-5 page (350 words per page) ***paper in APA format addressing *****THREE***** of the SIX topics below for the *****Autonomous Vehicle Technology*****. You should also include as part of this paper any acknowledgements and resources used (e.g., websites, textbooks, articles). Each written assignment should include ****four or more references****.

*****The paper must Include at least3 *****

*Any potential ethical considerations

*Short or long-term medical concerns, if

*Economic effects from the deployment of the new technology or application

*Alternative perspectives from NGO (non-governmental agency) experts

*Approaches to minimize the environmental impact (using green and renewable resources) of the new technology or application

*Possible social media influence on the new technology or application deployment

*Political implications, influences and barriers to gain or prevent acceptance of new technology or application

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