M7D1: Radical Functions and Their Graphs
July 3, 2020
Natural Resources
July 3, 2020
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Final Essay

Respond to the questions below in a well-developed essay. Each response must consist of AT LEAST ONE FULL PAGE.

1. Children tend to be socialized into strict gender roles. Gender expectations tend to be difficult for children who are gay, lesbian, bisexual, transgender, intersex, or otherwise genderqueer. Describe TWO specific difficulties that queer kids may face growing up as well as a potential response to help ease each issue, explaining how the response would directly impact the issue.

2 Define gendered violence, and discuss the ways in which society normalizes gendered violence. As part of your essay, identify three specific social foundations or institutions that allow or encourage both women and men to regard certain kinds of gendered violence as normal or acceptable. You may include a discussion of the myths of rape culture. Include concrete examples.

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