What is the biggest ISSUE in communicating weather hazards AND what might be a reasonable SOLUTION to this issue?

Project management
May 21, 2020
Interrelationships of Public Administration Organizations
May 21, 2020
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What is the biggest ISSUE in communicating weather hazards AND what might be a reasonable SOLUTION to this issue?

Write a 500-600 word (not including sources) expository essay (Links to an external site.) answering the following question:

QUESTION: What is the biggest ISSUE in communicating weather hazards AND what might be a reasonable SOLUTION to this issue?
Use at least one historic event as a reference (a HISTORIC event is any natural event that ENDED last year by Dec 31 or before).

Cite at least one credible primary or secondary source (Links to an external site.) (not Wikipedia or any tertiary resource) and include at least two appropriate and meaningful in-text citations (Links to an external site.) within your document using MLA8 format (Links to an external site.)

Submit your essay as a file upload in Canvas.

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