Health Administration presentation paper

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Health Administration presentation paper

Presentation Instructions

Each student will be assigned to a group case.
Students have approximately 20 minutes to present and respond to all questions.
Students cannot simply read their presentations. Bullets can be used.  PowerPoint presentations must be utilized to present information. Students must pay close attention to how their slides appear to the class audience.  Fonts must be legible and tables able to read. Students cannot use paragraphs of text on the slides.
Students must give a summary of the facts needed so that other students can understand the nature of the case or article being discussed.
Students must provide supporting documentation for their conclusions.
I must receive a copy of your presentation at the time of your presentation and upload a copy to Canvas.
You may need to place tables or data into your presentation. You must be able to explain any information in any table presented.  It must also be visible to the audience.
What is the title of case / article?
Who are the Authors?
What is the purpose of the case / article – what questions are they attempting to address / answer?
What were their findings / concerns?
What information / data do the authors use to show their findings / concerns?
What are their conclusions?
What are your recommendations / conclusion

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