Throughout the course of your professional careers–whether working directly in the Human Resource Management field or as the employee of an organization in any field–you will most likely need to conduct performance management. Performance management typically occurs through the setting and evaluation of goals that are set by either you, your supervisor/organization, or a combination of the two. Often, this process is connected to performance appraisals, which can impact promotions, raises, and your standing at the organization. They can also influence the day-to-day work that you do to ensure these goals are met.
Throughout this semester, you’ll conduct your own performance management in 3 stages:
Stage 1. Initial goal(s) setting assignment
Stage 2. A mid-semester goal(s) checkin and update
Stage 3. A final performance management review of your goal(s) at the end of the semester
Please review the assignment instructions below for Phase 1:
Goal setting is the process of identifying something that you want to accomplish and establishing measurable actions and time frames to complete these actions, which will help achieve the overall goal. For this assignment, you will explore at least one goal that you want to set for yourself for this semester. Your goal(s) must be written in the SMART goal format. Review the information below to learn more about goal settings and how to use SMART goals.
STEP 1: Review information on SMART goals
By Deb Peterson
For each of your goal(s), be sure to address all aspects of the S.M.A.R.T. model as detailed in the article:
STEP 2: Write at least one SMART goal for the semester
STEP 3: Current goal(s) status
STEP 4: Indicators of progress