1. How does conditioning affect personality? Provide a real life example to illustrate your point.
2. We are now moving into the psychological branch that involves behaviorism. Classical and operant conditioning are major topics for discussion. Look around your environment and provide an example of either classical conditioning or operant conditioning in action. Be sure to also define the terms involved.
3. What is involved in self-regulation? Explain.
4. Is Bandura’s concept of observational learning important? Explain.
5. Explain the concept of the human agency as introduced by Albert Bandura. How does that concept influence our personality? Explain.
6. Julian Rotter and Walter Mischel introduced theories that covered social learning and cognitive-affective personality respectively. Focusing on the basic concepts of these theories, explain how goals and self-regulation might be applied in the work environment.
7. Take the four components of Bandura’s social learning theory and apply it to a learning behavior that you might have observed in your work place or in the classroom.
8. Explain the distinctions between constructs and concepts.