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Computer Forensics

“Obfuscation”  Your labs and readings this week focus on the tools used to obfuscated data. This is a common term used in forensics, meaning to hide: the action of making something obscure, unclear, or unintelligible. Have you ever asked yourself, What are people hiding on their computers and why? After youve completed your lessons and labs, address the following

What do you believe was the original purpose of steganography tools, and how have criminals used them to their advantage? Share some steganography tools youve found on the web with your classmates, and provide links to any useful resource you find. Describe in a few sentences how you might use these tools for good, and how they might be used for nefarious purposes.

Additional post option: Search the Internet and find a FREE steganography tool, post your link and provide a brief explanation on how the tool is used

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