Classic English literature

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Classic English literature

As the final product of this unit, you will write a 3- to 4-page essay comparing and contrasting social media with face-to-face communication. This is not a research assignment; therefore, you are not to consult outside sources or other individuals; papers using any data or language from another source will receive no credit. Pay particular attention to organization, particularly that your work follows a pattern like one of those on page 73 of the Handbook. While examples from your own life may inspire your ideas, this essay is not to be presented as a personal narrative or opinion paper; therefore, it is to be written in an objective, third-person style. Use a variety of paragraph development techniques that we have studied in class. Essays that analyze in detail, rather than simply listing points, will receive higher scores.
Make sure that you have signed up for an individual conference time for this essay and that you bring a completed Conference Checklist to your appointment. The checklist is available on Canvas under “Modules.” As a reminder, the late essay policy is found in your syllabus.

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