Marketing and Promotion:Building the image and the brand

August 4, 2017
Trade Liberalization
August 4, 2017
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Marketing and Promotion:Building the image and the brand

Project description


Look at the logo for the Art Gallery of NSW.
What does it say to you about the organisation?
Does it effectively represent the Gallery?
Would it benefit from modification?
Building the image and the brand

Week 2 on-line discussion
Find two examples of company mission
statements.  Choose a good example and a
bad example, and explain your reasoning.
Mission Statements
€¢€¯ SFMOMA is dedicated to making the art of our time a vital and
meaningful part of public life. For that reason we assemble
unparalleled collections, create exhilarating exhibitions, and develop
engaging public programs. In all of these endeavors, we are guided
by our enduring commitment to fostering creativity and embracing
new ways of seeing the world.
Everything we do, from the  programme we present in our galleries
and with partners in Britain and around the world, to the books,
products and food we sell in our shops and restaurants, supports
our mission: to promote public understanding and enjoyment of
British, modern and contemporary art. TATE
Building an Artistic Brand
1. Define yourself. Every artist wants to
avoid being labeled or putting themselves
into a box, however if you can’t clearly
communicate your personal message to
someone else, it will become increasingly
harder to stick out in a crowd.

2. Love your product. Your product is you!
You are the most unique brand in the world
and there is not another person out there
like you. You have your own style,
personality and set of creative tools that
make you one of a kind. So love what you
do and do what you love.
3. Know your process. What makes what
you do different from everyone else? Do you
paint with your feet? Do you write and
record songs in some unique fashion? What
makes what you do and how you do it
compelling and unique?
4. Cultivate your legacy. How do you want
to be remembered? What contribution do
you want to make in your field or industry?
How are you accomplishing this?
5. Get paid. The romantic notion of the
starving artist is a thing of the past. If the last
decade has taught us nothing else, it has at
least taught us that content is king and that
there are big dollars to be made in music,
ideas, films and culture. There is nothing
wrong with mixing creativity with commerce,
in fact many of the biggest businesses in the
world are thriving on this unique mix.
6. Toot your own horn.  If you don’t tell
people about you and your work, who’s
going to? Don’t be a basement Brian Wilson.
You know, someone who never shares their
genius with the world because of fear or
insecurity. Everyone deals with fear and
insecurity, but if you believe in your product,
get out there and tell the world about it.
7. Do it yourself. Don’t wait around for
someone else to do it for you. If no one is
responding to your portfolio, create your own
show at a local coffee shop. Be inventive,
you are creative right? So don’t wait around,
make it happen.
8. Shoot for the top. Risk it all, without risk
there is no reward, in fact some say that the
risk is the reward. Go for it and give it all
you’ve got. So get out there and do
something today.
Brand Exercise
1. €¯ In groups identify two successful arts

2. €¯ What are the key features of each brand
and what makes them successful?

How to build an artistic brand
1. €¯ Define yourself
2. €¯ Love your product
3. €¯ Know your process
4. €¯ Cultivate your legacy
5. €¯ Get paid
6. €¯ Toot your own horn
7. €¯ Do it yourself
8. €¯ Shoot for the top
Guest lecturer

On-line question: Week 3

Look at the logo for the Art
Gallery of NSW.

What does it say to you about the

Does it effectively represent the

Would it benefit from

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