Environmental Science/Home Energy Efficiency/Reducing Carbon Footprint

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Environmental Science/Home Energy Efficiency/Reducing Carbon Footprint

Environmental Science/Home Energy Efficiency/Reducing Carbon Footprint


Hypothesis and experiment must be on how to best seal drafts to increase home energy efficiency. My hypothesis is "When all drafts are sealed, energy costs are reduced." You are free to modify this somewhat.


Apply scientific method, including observation, hypothesis and experiment, to support conclusions involving either physical or biological problems. A student will accomplish this task either in each of two separate disciplines or in sequence within a single discipline.

The tasks may be accomplished either as laboratory exercises or as assignments containing a series of questions involving application of the scientific method to a particular scenario or scenarios within a specific scientific discipline. A student must complete all four objectives outlined below, in one or more assignments, for each task. Students providing acceptable responses to all four objectives will have completed the task successfully at a high level of competence; students providing acceptable responses to three of the four objectives will have completed the task successfully at a moderate level of competence ; students providing acceptable responses to two of the four objectives will have completed the task successfully at a low level of competence; and students providing acceptable responses to less than two objectives or students who do not provide any response to all four objectives will not have successfully completed the task.

1. The student shall demonstrate the ability to define a problem, after either directly observing or being presented with observations of a scientific phenomenon.

2. The student shall demonstrate the ability to produce and/or compose a logical hypothesis, which offers a solution to a problem, after making pertinent observations or reviewing pertinent literature on a scientific phenomenon.

3. The student shall demonstrate the understanding necessary to develop and/or recognize a logical experimental design, including materials required, methods used and appropriate controls (when applicable) to test a hypothesis that addresses a scientific problem.

4. The student shall demonstrate the ability to produce a reasonable conclusion that explains how a series of data generated from an experiment or scientific observation either supports or refutes a hypothesis being tested by the experiment.

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