Media Milestones:Yellow Journalism

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Media Milestones:Yellow Journalism

Media Milestones:Yellow Journalism
Directions for the Essay €“ You need a minimum of FOUR different research sources.

1. The essay needs to include an image of your media milestone. (Hint: Check Google Images for this.) Insert the image at the end of your essay. Be sure to include a citation under the image indicating where it came from.

2. Essays should be Microsoft Word documents. Be sure to single space within each paragraph and double space between paragraphs.

3. Include the name of your milestone in the top left hand corner of your document.

4. Use these three topic statements to organize your information in your essay. Type the statement into the body of the essay and then write about it using paragraph form.

A. Why I Chose This Media Milestone
B. This Milestone’s Significance to Mass Media History
C. How This Milestone Relates to Today’s Mass Media

5. For each of the topic statements, please use these guidelines to write each section:

A. Why I Chose This Media Milestone €“ (In this section, tell us in 150 words (min) why you found this milestone to be significant enough to research and write about. Include and cite at least one research source to make the case for your choice. Citations must use either MLA or APA style.)

B. This Milestone’s Significance to Mass Media History €“ (In this section, tell us in 250 (min) words what is significant about this milestone. You must use and cite at least three research sources in this section to make the case about your milestone’s significance. Citations must use either MLA or APA style.)

C. How This Milestone Relates to Today’s Mass Media €“ (In this section, tell us in 100 words (min) what relationship you see between your milestone and the mass media in the 21st century. This section is your opinion so using a cited research source is optional here.)

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