Search Engine Optimization

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Search Engine Optimization

Search Engine Optimization
Paper instructions:
Formatting: No more than 1€ margins on all sides using Calibri, 11 point font. The paper should have the following headers in Bold: Introduction, Key Information, Personal Observations, Summary, References. Use at least 6 references (books, articles, youtube, websites, etc.). The references will go on an additional page and not count toward the 5 page total. I will provide an example of a completed paper.

You can write on one topic in particular, or create multiple chapters and describe different aspects of your topic. 10

Introduction (1-2 paragraphs). Identify the definition of the topic you will be discussing and its main features (at a high-level). Describe why it is important. Mention the key pieces of information that you will elaborate on in the Key Information Section. 20

Key Information (4-10 paragraphs, more if needed). Discuss in depth answers to questions such as those posed above this section. Define any terms that would be unfamiliar to another student in this class. Avoid discussing only your opinion about the topic but rather provide factual and useful information about the topic. 60

Personal Observations (1-4 paragraphs). Quote a statement or passage from your references that elicits a reaction from you. Describe the reason for your response such as a personal experience, content from another class, or personal principles. 20

Summary (1-2 paragraphs). Give your overall impression of this topic. What did you discuss in this paper that the average person reading your paper likely did not know about before? What aspects of this topic are important but not covered in your paper that you would suggest the reader learn more about? 20
References. Key information is cited in the paper when you are paraphrasing their ideas. Also, a references section is at the end of the paper. See examples below for both of these items. 20


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