consumer product

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consumer product

consumer product

Choose a consumer product that you have purchased recently. A consumer product is bought to satisfy an individual’s personal needs and wants e.g. sports shoes, laptop computer, mobile phone. You are asked to present the following information to an audience that understands marketing.
1. Product and company background
• Describe the company (including size, market share, location etc.)
• Briefly describe the product
2. Target market description
• Describe the target market based on at-least 4 (four) relevant variables.
• Explain why these variables/descriptors are relevant for this product. [You will find an example of this process on the MKT1001 homepage.]
3. Decision making process
• Consider the 5 step consumer decision making process. Explain the process you went through to buy your chosen product. Consider the marketing theories you have learnt about already, such as: exchange, involvement, value. Identify when these have occurred throughout the experience.
** You MUST use in-text referencing to properly acknowledge the original source of your ideas. Format guidelines are provided at USQ Library or in the Summers & Smith Communication Skills Handbook.
Assignment template
Open and save a copy of this Assignment 1 template and use this to assist you in developing your presentation.
Assignment 1 marking criteria
Open and view this Assignment 1 marking criteria to assist you in developing your presentation.


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