Strengths and Weaknesses in Writing

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Strengths and Weaknesses in Writing

Strengths and Weaknesses in Writing

Your first post for this discussion thread is due on Thursday, Day 3 of this week. Your responses to your classmates are due on Monday, Day 7.

Prepare: As you prepare to write your first discussion for this week
Review Chapter 1 of Essentials of College Writing.
Identify two writing tasks listed in Chapter 1 as your strengths and two tasks as your weaknesses.
Review your Grammar Assessment.

Reflect: Reflect on your experience writing the Practice Essay.

Write: In your initial post for this discussion
Describe at least one writing task that you believe you did well on when writing the Practice Essay in Week One.
Describe one writing task that you believe you need to work on based on your experience writing the Practice Essay.
Describe three grammatical errors that you had the most difficulty with on the Grammar Assessment. To do so, go into the Gradebook and click on your quiz score. When you see a question with a red X next to it, this signals that it was answered incorrectly.
Share what you plan to do to further maximize your strengths and resolve your weaknesses.

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