Everything needs to be done from this book(Essentials of Marketing William D. Perreault, Jr. Joseph P. Cannon E. Jerome McCarthy 13 Edition ISBN: 978-0-07-802888-5).
Question 1
Recently, Chick-Fil-A has been in the news because of its personal values. Many corporations (brands) embrace personal causes in which they believe in. Whether it is a sustainability belief or the preservation of the environment, brands embrace beliefs which represent them ethically. Chick-Fil-A is not like many companies. Their business and marketing model is built on religious beliefs, and has been more than successful. Your assignment will be the following: 1. Read the case study: Chick-Fil-A: Eat Mor Chikin (Except on Sunday) on Page 529 of you textbook. 2. Answer questions: 1, 2, 3, and 4 on page 530.
Criteria Identified and explained Chick-Fil-A marketing strategies. Explained Chick-Fil-A positioning strategy. Is Sunday closing a competitive advantage, and explain yes or no. Should other retailers consider closing Sunday, why? Why not. Participated in the discussion by responding substantially to 2 other students. Provided citations within response and references. Responses use APA format. Grammar and spelling is correct and meets English standards.
Question 2
The following are several links to the recent controversy over Chick-Fil-A stance on same-sex marriage. Please read each article and summarize in 2 paragraphs if you feel Chick-Fil-A stance hindered or helped sales?
1. http://www.washingtontimes.com/news/2012/aug/7/pruden-chick-fil-a-controversy-a-lot-of-clucking-a/ 2. http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2012/08/01/chick-fil-a-anti-gay-controversy-employees-speak-out_n_1729968.html
Criteria Explained clearly if Chick-Fil-A stance on same-sex marriage hindered or helped sales and why? Participated in the discussion by responding substantially to 2 other students. Provided citations within response and references. Responses use APA format. Grammar and spelling is correct and meets English standards.
Question 3
Answer the following questions in your textbook: Chapter 2, Page 52 Questions and Problems Question #1 Distinguish clearly between a marketing strategy and marketing mix. Use an example. Criteria Explained and distinguish clearly between a marketing strategy and marketing mix. Provided an example of a marketing strategy and marketing mix. Provided citations within response and references. Responses use APA format. Grammar and spelling is correct and meets English standards.
Question 4
Chapter 4, page 89 discusses Segmentation and Targeting and Differentiation and Positioning. Please explain both and give an example of each.
Criteria Explained Segmentation and Targeting Explained Differentiation and Positioning Provided an example of Segmentation and Targeting Provided an example of Differentiation and Positioning Grammar and spelling is correct and meets English standards.
Question 5
Chapter 7 discusses the different types of data collection which can be obtained. Page 188 Questions and Problems Answer Question #7. Distinguish between primary data and secondary data and illustrate your answer.
Criteria Explained Primary Data Explained Secondary data Provided an example (illustration) of both. Grammar and spelling is correct and meets English standards.