Case Study/Project

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Case Study/Project

Case Study/Project

Select a news article dated within the previous two months and analyze the issue using the economic concepts and theory learned in this class. Include at least one graph developed in our course. Possible concepts include:
Evaluation Rubrics
An evaluation rubric is available for the case study/project assignment. The evaluation rubric outlines the specific requirements and elements of the assignment. It is suggested that the rubric be used as a guideline for the content, preparation, and completion of the assignment.
The rubric will be used for the evaluation and grading of the final project.

CoCompleteness(10(10%) Incomplete in most respects, the paper is unworthy of credit Incomplete in most respects; does not reflect requirements Incomplete in many respects; reflects few requirements Complete in most respects; reflects most requirements Complete in all respects; reflects all requirements
UnUnderstanding (20(20%) Demonstrates an inadequate understanding of the topic(s) and issue(s), is unworthy of credit Demonstrates an inadequate understanding of the topic(s) and issue(s) Demonstrates an acceptable understanding of the topic(s) and issue(s) Demonstrates an accomplished understanding of the topic(s) and issue(s) Demonstrates a sophisticated understanding of the topic(s) and issue(s)
anAnalysis, evevaluation, and recrecommendations (40(40%) The analysis, eveluation, and recommendations of the issues are unworthy of credit Presents an incomplete analysis of the issues identified. Makes little or no connection between the issues identified and the strategic concepts studied in the reading. Supports diagnosis and opinions with few reasons and little evidence; argument is one-sided and not objective. Presents realistic or appropriate recommendations with little, if any, support from the information presented and concepts from the reading Presents a superficial analysis of some of the issues identified; omits necessary financial calculations. Makes appropriate but somewhat vague connections between the issues and concepts studied in the reading; demonstrates limited command of the strategic concepts and analytical tools studied. Supports diagnosis and opinions with limited reasons and evidence; presents a somewhat one-sided argument. Presents realistic or appropriate recommendations supported by the information presented and concepts from the reading Presents a thorough analysis of most issues identified; includes most necessary financial calculations. Makes appropriate connections between the issues identified and the strategic concepts studied in the reading; demonstrates good command of the strategic concepts and analytical tools studied. Supports diagnosis and opinions with reasons and evidence; presents a fairly balanced view; interpretation is both reasonable and objective. Presents specific, realistic, and appropriate recommendations supported by the information presented and concepts from the reading. Presents an insightful and thorough analysis of all issues identified; includes all necessary financial calculations. Makes appropriate and powerful connections between the issues identified and the strategic concepts studied in the reading; demonstrates complete command of the strategic concepts and analytical tools studied. Supports diagnosis and opinions with strong arguments and evidence; presents a balanced and critical view; interpretation is both reasonable and objective.Presents detailed, realistic, and appropriate recommendations clearly supported by the information presented and concepts from the reading
ReResearch (10%) Combination of grammar, spelling and punctuation errors that is unworthy of credit Supplements case study, if at all, with incomplete research and documentation Supplements case study with limited research into the present situation of the company; provides limited documentation of sources consulted Supplements case study with relevant research into the present situation of the company; documents all sources of information Supplements case study with relevant and extensive research into the present situation of the company; clearly and thoroughly documents all sources of information
WrWriting meMechanics (10%) Writing is unfocused, rambling, or contains serious errors; does not comtain detail and relevant data and information; poorly organized, that is unworthy of credit Writing is unfocused, rambling, or contains serious errors; lacks detail and relevant data and information; poorly organized Writing lacks clarity or conciseness and contains numerous errors; gives insufficient detail and relevant data and information; lacks organization Writing is accomplished in terms of clarity and conciseness and contains only a few errors; includes sufficient details and relevant data and information; well-organized Writing demonstrates a sophisticated clarity, conciseness, and correctness; includes thorough details and relevant data and information; extremely well-organized
APAPA guidelines (10(10%) Does not use APA guidelines Reflects poor knowledge of APA guidelines Reflects incomplete knowledge of APA guidelines Uses APA guidelines with minor violations to cite sources Uses APA guidelines accurately and consistently to cite sources

Project-Related Questions
All questions related to this assignment should be referred to me through the WebTycho classroom discussion or the Project Conference so all students can benefit from the questions and answers.
As these are new and challenging assignments for many of you, your questions may well serve to better define what I really want and expect, which can lead to better reports!
Academic Policies
Academic Integrity
UMUC is an academic community that honors integrity and respect for others, and it is expected that, as a member of this community, you will maintain a high level of personal integrity in your academic work at all times.
Academic dishonesty is the failure to maintain academic integrity, and it includes the intentional or unintentional presentation of another person’s ideas or products as your own (plagiarism); the use or the attempt to make use of unauthorized materials, information, or study aids in an academic exercise; and the performance of work for another student (cheating). All academic work you submit during your time at UMUC must be original and must not be reused in other courses.

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