literacy narrative

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August 4, 2017
IT Strategic Alignment Model
August 4, 2017
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literacy narrative

literacy narrative
Project description
3b) Reading for, writing, and peer reviewing the 1,000 word essay draft

Please read through all of 3b before you begin work on your paper. 3b details all aspects of this assignment and you may wish to reference it in the future as you move throughout the writing process.

In week two you wrote about the type of writing you do in your major. All majors have their own jargon, preferred genres, and understandings of how writing functions within the major. The first essay (WP1) asks you to consider how you developed literacy in your major and whether or not you would recommend your approach to others.

In a literacy narrative essay of 1,000 words, explain how you developed literacy within your major. You might talk about how you prepared for your intended major as a transfer student and how that experience compares to the work you are now doing in your major. You could discuss the differences between required and elective classes within your major and how they contribute to your developing literacy in your major. These are just a few possible approaches to the assignment.

Delayed thesis:

Toward the end of your essay, but before your conclusion, please make an argument in favor or against your approach for developing literacy within your major; this will be your thesis. You may also make an argument in favor of some of what you did and against other parts of what you did. You will need to support your argument with reasons. In the thesis folder of the course materials for this week you will find suggestions about how to create a thesis. But I will offer a model in the course materials that you can use as well.


For your essay you will need to use two, and only two, sources to illustrate how you developed literacy within your major. You may use sources such as class texts, lecture notes, online journals, department Websites, and the like. The sources you use must be sources you used in one or more of your classes within your major, including sources you found on your own that helped you do work for a specific class in your major. Please feel free to review the quotation analysis model, which will serve you well when you analyze the sources you use.

You will need to create a works cited or references page for your essay, depending on whether you are using MLA or APA format.

Your essay, including your first draft, must be 1,000 words in length and follow MLA or APA formatting requirements, which includes being double-spaced. Please note that some of the formatting may be lost when you post your work for your peer review in 3b, which is not a problem at this point. Later, when working on your final draft, you will want to ensure that you adhered to all the formatting requirements, and you will need to review your final draft to ensure that you have used either MLA or APA formatting correctly. Please remember to include a Works Cited or References page and only use only two sources.

You will need to submit your final version of your essay to Turnitin and obtain a Turnitin Originality Report for this essay at the end of the quarter.

Post your 1,000 word draft of your paper by Sunday at 11:59 in 3b with a subject line that reads Ready for Dale Ireland (of course, you will use your peer review partner’s name instead of mine). Your will not peer review papers until next week, at which point I will explain how you will offer peer reviews.

Please note that you will not be doing peer reviews this week; you are only posting your first essay draft for this week.

3c) Provisional thesis

In order to do this assignment you will have to do much of the work in 3b first because doing so will help you evaluate whether or not, or to what degree, you value your literacy development within your major. For 3c please post your provisional thesis. I will be giving comments on a few of the provisional theses much in the way I would comment on a few theses in a face-to-face classroom. I will begin giving comments as soon as folks begin posting provisional theses. For some of the class, writing a thesis that meets the requirements for the assignment will take longer than it does for others to write such a thesis. For the next three weeks you will want to keep an eye on 3b so that you can read my comments and revise your thesis until you have an effective thesis. Hang in there! The work you do on creating a thesis for this essay will support your work on theses in our other essays. Your thesis must specifically respond to the assignment prompt. One way to write an effective thesis is to use a because clause:


Following are two examples:

Beginning to develop literacy within your major at a community college is beneficial because . . . .

Beginning to develop literacy within your major at a community college poses challenges because . . . .

Your thesis, which includes your claim (argument) and reason, needs to go beyond your own experience. You are making a global argument€”not an argument only about your own experience. You are, however, using your own experience, to illustrate your argument.

Post your provisional thesis in 3c by 11:59 PM Thursday.

My major i business administration, Accounting


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