International Affairs/Relations

What is the appropriate role of the media in American Government?
August 4, 2017
August 4, 2017
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International Affairs/Relations

International Affairs/Relations


Please write an essay of one of the following five questions. Keep in mind that you need to demonstrate an understanding of the texts we have read and refer to them (and quote) where necessary. You can also use additional sources but need to provide full references.

1. Some scholars have argued that some of ibn Khaldun’s ideas might have influenced the social theories of Marx and Durkheim via early translations of parts of the Muqaddima into French. Discuss in what ways ibn Khaldun’s ideas may have been an influence on:
either: a) Marx theory of class struggle
or: b) Durkeim’s theory of social solidarity.

2. Both Durkheim’s and Weber’s theories may in part be understood as a response to Marx. Discuss in what ways either a) Durkheim or b) Weber wrote "against" Marx.

3. While Weber regarded the rationalisation of social life as the distinctive characteristic of modernity, Freud put the irrationality of the modern human at the centre of his analysis of modern civilisation. Do you see a contradiction between the two theories?




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