field of psychology

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field of psychology

field of psychology

Paper instructions:
Submit a two to three page paper (excluding the title page and reference page). Select one published article from a peer-reviewed, scholarly journal (see pp 4-5 of your Course Guide for an explanation of a peer-reviewed, scholarly, published journal article) from the University of the Rockies online library located to the left of the screen in class. The article should be five years-old or newer and will pertain to one of these three broad areas: Thinking, Deciding, or Creating. The following are just examples: Your topic and article might pertain to thinking, but discuss hindsight bias or confirmation bias, etc. €“or- you might select Deciding as your topic and the article that you select relates to escalation of commitment or framing, etc. €“or- you may select Creating and your article might pertain to the confluence approach or factors that influence creativity, etc.

Include the following eight items in APA format by referring to pp 62-63 of the APA Publication Manual on levels of headings and pages 41-59 for a sample of the basic APA format structure of your paper.

Write a brief summary of the article.
How old is the article (publication year).
What is the length (number of pages)?
What is the purpose or hypothesis?
What is the method, the design or procedures employed for the study?
Discuss the findings or conclusions.
Discuss the strengths/weaknesses.
Discuss the value that this study has to the field of psychology.

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