Psychological Treatment of Anxiety: The Evolution of Behavior Therapy

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Psychological Treatment of Anxiety: The Evolution of Behavior Therapy

Psychological Treatment of Anxiety: The Evolution of Behavior Therapy

Paper instructions:

Peer review 2009-2014, 350 words, peer review like that (
Rachman, S. (2009). Psychological Treatment of Anxiety: The Evolution of Behavior Therapy
and Cognitive Behavior Therapy. Annual Review of Clinical Psychology, 5, 97-119. doi: 10.1146/annurev.clinpsy.032408.153635). Please . I Know you can.

learning theories, including classical conditioning, operant conditioning and observational learning.  Compare and contrast these learning theories as well as provide an example of each from your own personal or professional life.  In your opinion, which do you feel is the most effective and least effective for children?  Explain your answer

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