The Wall Street Journal or Business Week

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August 4, 2017
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August 4, 2017
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The Wall Street Journal or Business Week

The Wall Street Journal or Business Week

For every class beginning with the third Tuesday of the semester, bring a write-up of a current item relating to some aspect of consumer behavior/consumer marketing from The Wall Street Journal or Business Week (these publications only; issue date must be January 1st. 2015 or later). The item you write about must be at least 24 column inches long and the original or a copy should be stapled behind your report. Unstapled papers will get a 1-point penalty. Prepare a one-page report as follows:
Top of the page: Your name and the date you submitted the report.
Line 2: Full citation of the source article: author name, title of the article, name of publication, date of publication, and page numbers €“ all this information, including page numbers, must be there.
Next paragraph: A brief Summary (use this heading) of the item. About 2/3rd of the page.
Next paragraph: Your opinion as to what Impact (use this heading) will this item have on some aspect of consumer marketing/consumer behavior in the US or abroad. About 1/3rd of the page.
Format: Word or a similar format not to exceed one double-spaced page, size 12 font.
Submission: Hand in the paper during class. If your name is called during a class, briefly discuss the item for the benefit of the class and circle your name before handing-in the paper. If your name is called during a class, briefly discuss the item for the benefit of the class and circle your name on your write-up before handing it in. You must submit each write-up personally in class, i.e., do not hand in a paper on someone else’s behalf or submit it by e-mail. Your paper will not be accepted if you are absent when your name is called or you did not sign the attendance roster.

There will be 10 written reports and one class presentation (written reports will be worth 5 points each and the oral presentation will be required but will not carry any points). They will be counted but not graded unless they are missing, are very poorly written, do not have the required column-inch length, are from the wrong publication, are too long/too short, show no page numbers, or are otherwise significantly deficient. Such papers will lose from 1 to 5 points.

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