Women and Governance

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Women and Governance

Why is the issue of women and governance so critical to the  advancement of women?  Discuss four different ways.


During the past few years, various countries have seen an increase in the number of women representatives in parliament. This has culminated in empowerment of women, as the issues that affect women are given stronger emphasis and attention (Equality in Politics and Government & Reaping the Double Dividend of Gender Equality, in the State of the World Children p.51-87). This has enhanced political accountability by making sure that women are involved in the decision making process.
Gender parity and gender equality, both are prerequisite for genuine democracy (Essay on Gender and Governance. India: Human Development Resource Center, United Nations Development Programme 2003), their discussions would not have been possible without the involvement of women in governance. Issues that touches on women are best served or addressed by women, and that is why, the position of women in governance is important. The decision making process has been made responsive, equitable, inclusive and participatory and hence very effective.
Democracy is described as the ideal that all citizens of a nation determine together the laws or actions of their sate. Democracy requires that all citizens be accorded equal opportunity to express their will; involving women in the governance process therefore helps in the advancement of women as it ensures that the universal right of suffrage for instance is respected and attained by everyone in the society.
Through the years, more and more women have helped in transforming the aspects of politics. Women groups like the Women Democracy Network have helped in funding women groups in various groups in various countries. It is such efforts that have seen the increase of women’s representation in national elections of some countries and even helped in increasing the number of women in government than ever before.
However, the representation of women in governance is still is still low: or limited (Gender Equality: Striving For Justice in an Unequal World, 2005), an encouragement of women in governance is necessary.


Basu Amriyta, Jayal Naraj Gopal, Nussbaum Marhta, Tambiah Yasmin, (2003). Essay on

Gender and Governance. India: Human Development Resource Center, United Nations Development Programme.

United Nations Research Institute for Social Development (UNRISD), (2005). Gender Equality: Striving for Justice in an Unequal World.

UNICEF, (2006). Equality in politics and Government and Reaping the Double Dividend of Gender Equality in the State of the world Children 2007, p51-87. New York, The United Nations Children’s Fund.


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