What is expected from students?

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What is expected from students?

What is expected from students?
€¢ For the assignment it is important to demonstrate an in-depth evaluation of the strategic supply chain role, which is aligned to your chosen organisations competitive advantage strategy.

€¢ The report is a 1500 word Management report, in accordance with the Coventry University Harvard style of referencing. Use of secondary sources, for which a minimum of 8 academic [such as Emerald Journals] is advised, to help justify research informed arguments. A brief reference guide has been attached, . However, students are also advised to seek further advice from the University’s academic support services. https://students.coventry.ac.uk/Pages/index.aspx
€¢ Students are encouraged to seek Academic support from 364SAM seminar tutors. Further University wide support is available from the centres of academic writing, mathematics and languages.
Assessment Criteria & Outline Marking Scheme

Critical analysis of chosen organisation’s supply chain strategy 35
Explanation of the alignment to the organisations competitive strategy 25
Justification/rationale, and research informed content 25
Structure, clarity, and presentation of report 15
Total 100

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