HR Information Control Analysis
August 4, 2017
Current or international security treaty
August 4, 2017
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Task 1

1. Firstly, you are to prepare set of procedures for identifying and reviewing losses sustained by

ciients over the past policy period. Procedure documentation should also identify both insured and

uninsured losses.

2. You need to aiso provide the procedure steps and documentation that you would provide your

1. identify, chart and explain the loss trends for the past poiicy period (by conducting an analysis of
trends. i.e. Time series; event frequency; seasonal peaks; loss value comparisons; trend

2. Determine suitable actions on loss reports

3. Formulate and prepare a written report for the client, recommending loss control programs that
meet their needs (to include risk prevention, loss prevention and loss control programs). Loss
records are to be used in conjunction with trend information for this activity.

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