What are the strategic and competitive priorities affecting the lead organisation? How has the supply chain developed in response to these. How does the supply chain contribute to customer value?

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What are the strategic and competitive priorities affecting the lead organisation? How has the supply chain developed in response to these. How does the supply chain contribute to customer value?

Write a report of 2500 words that addresses the following questions with reference to your allocated case study.
1. What are the strategic and competitive priorities affecting the lead organisation? How has the supply chain developed in response to these. How does the supply chain contribute to customer value?
2. How is the supply chain structured. Map out (in words and diagrams) the stages that you can identify, the organisations involved in each stage and the functions they perform. How does the structure relate to your answer to Question 1?
1. How do the concepts of variation, uncertainty, buffering mechanisms and postponement relate to your case study supply chain? What role do supply chain quality management practices play in these concepts?
3. How have the competitive priorities identified in Question 1 influenced 3 of the following:
i. Global/ local sourcing
ii. the number and choice of suppliers,
iii. the types of buyer-supplier relationships that have developed
iv. adoption of new technologies
v. choice of downstream distribution channels
vi. sustainability

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