Solution-Compare and contrast the transesterification

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Solution-Compare and contrast the transesterification

1. Why are ethanol and methanol commonly used for the transesterification process over other alcohols?

2. Consider the following triglyceride: What are the four parts to this ester? (i.e., what are the alcohol(s) and acid(s)?)


3. Consider the following GC/MS data: Which of these represents a “good” batch of biodiesel and which represents a “bad” batch? Explain your answer:

1281_GC A.jpg

2467_GC B.jpg

4. What are the similarities between gas chromatography and thin layer chromatography?

5. Compare and contrast the transesterification process for making biodiesel and the saponification process for making soap.

6. Why is it important to determine the free fatty acid content of your oil when making biodiesel?

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