Miguel de Cervante’s Don Quixote from text Longman Anthology of World Literature, The, Compact Edition.

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Miguel de Cervante’s Don Quixote from text Longman Anthology of World Literature, The, Compact Edition.

Miguel de Cervante’s Don Quixote from text Longman Anthology of World Literature, The, Compact Edition.

Use the text ‘Longman Anthology of World Literature, The, Compact Edition’to support claims. be orginized and write the essay based on instructions that i gave and orginized them. Please be arguable about topic (Honor). This is very important for me if I get an A on this i’ll be ordering more papers from you

Using Miguel de Cervantes’ Don Quixote, you will be writing an essay that
1. HONOR: how do Cervantes’ individual characters define honor?
53570 g C Q Which characters do / do not live by a personal sense of honor? How “N
W p – does the individual sense of honor drive behaviors? Consider how
concerns about one’s honor (or that of others] are beneficial or
l detrim
2. SOCIAL CLASS and WORTH: what distinctions are being made by
Cervantes regarding the perceived value of an individual relative to
his/her social class? Consider what expectations of behavior are tied
to class [generalizations/stereotypes)? How are these challenged
through characterization and plot events?
Expectations: These essays are to conform to MLA format and contain a Works
Cited page. Page length: 5-7 pages. You are to begin your essay with a strong
introduction, introducing your chosen subject, text, author and any other information your
reader needs before you begin to argue your thesis. This thesis should be clearly stated in
your introduction. Every single body paragraph that follows shall open with a strong topic
sentence that introduces its focus. These paragraphs will offer claims that are then
supported with specific examples from the text. But it is not nearly enough to simply offer
direct quotes to support claims. You must examine, analyze, and otherwise engage with
your source. Think critically! After having supported, defended, and hopefully proven your
thesis, you close your essay with a conclusion that reminds your reader what you have
argued, and presented. Lastly, consider this work and these issues in the greater scheme of
things-beyond the assignment, beyond our classroom. Why does it matter?
Using the analytical skills you have learned, you will bring any elements of the texts
(characters, setting, plot, etc.) that will help to support and defend your thesis. You will
blend the lines of the text into your argument.

You will attach your draft’s outline and paragraph exercise to the final draft
(after the Works Cited page). For the paragraph exercise, you will create a new
document, and will copy and paste the first and last sentence of every body
paragraph of your final draft. These will form a paragraph that should read as
a summary of your essay.

If you fail to address the assignment, your essay will fail. If your essay does not
contain lines from our text to support your claims, your essay will fail. If you
write a book report, your essay will fail. If you use a source and fail to cite that
source, parenthetically or on your works cited page, your essay will fail.


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